XC Training System
The Best High School Cross Country Workouts

Cross country running is a simple sport, and so it makes sense that cross country runners need fun cross country workouts that they can do in any environment.  

I’m going to share the best high school cross country workouts that every cross country runner should run in the summer. Several of these workouts should also be done during the cross country season as well. If you're looking for some guidance on how to...

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Cross Country Training Schedule PDF – “No Prior Training” Athletes

One of the biggest – and maybe the biggest – concerns for cross country coaches is “How am I going to keep the new athletes injury-free?” We all know that shin splints, tight IT-bands and Achilles tendons, and tight hamstrings can all be a problem for new athletes. 

I put this group of athletes – who either didn’t run track or haven't done a sport prior to joining the cross country team – into the...

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Cross Country Training PDF - 5 Weeks of Training for Varsity Runners

If you’re a high school coach, you know that excellent cross country races in October and November are directly related to runners putting in intelligent training in the summer. 

I want to help you help your athletes with training that will a) keep them injury-free and b) have them fitter for the first important meet of the cross country season than they’ve ever been. Plus, I want to save you time in planning a progression of...

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A Progression of Strides for Cross Country

What are strides? And why do cross country runners need to run strides to race faster?

Give me a few minutes and you’ll have the answer to both questions. 

Let’s go! 

A Stride is a Quick, Short, Controlled Sprint 

A stride is simply a quick, short, controlled sprint — anywhere from 70m to 150m — that’s faster than your race pace and much faster than your training paces. To be clear, this is not all...

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How To Train For Cross Country: A Comprehensive Cross Country Training Plan

Here’s the deal – most articles about cross country training plans aren’t that helpful. The training suggestions are too general, the coach doesn’t explain the “why” behind the workouts, and they don't, therefore, end up clearly explaining how to train for cross country.  

In this article I’m going to explain exactly what a summer cross country training program should include, with a simple...

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Two Week Break Between Cross Country and Track

The first 4-6 weeks of training following the end of the cross-country season is a crucial time for serious high school runners. The reason is two-fold.    

First, athletes need to fully recover from a long race season. They need time off if they had a minor injury or a “niggle.” And they need to give their bodies time to recover and regenerate.  

Coaches have always (rightly) insisted on some amount of time off...

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10 Keys for Great XC Races in October and November

If you're a serious high school XC runner, then you're no doubt excited to have your best races of the year in October and November. Here are 10 keys to remember that will help you race to your fitness level in the biggest meets of the year.

1. You Don’t Need an A+ Race

If you want to help your team advance to the next meet, or to place high at the state meet, you don’t need an A+ race. You simply need a solid race to help your...

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