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800m Training: Pre-race Day

This article is for coaches of high school 800m runners, yet I’d use the same 800m workout for advanced middle school runners, as well as adult runners. 

We want to do three things in an 800m pre-race day workout. 

1. Get neuromuscularly ready to race 800m the next day. 
2. Get mentally ready to race 800m the next day. 
3. Avoid having any carry-over fatigue from this day to the race. 

You won’t have to...

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PRing Indoors and Outdoors

Here's how you can get an athlete to run fast indoors and outdoors. 

It's hard to strike the right balance of training and racing indoors while setting them up to faster outdoors. Do these three things to help kids PR in both seasons. 

You know athletes need to: 

  1. Build the aerobic engine
  2. Strengthen the chassis
  3. Rev the engine most days 

Here's what you need to do for each of those elements to make sure athletes race well...

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