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800m Training: Pre-race Day

This article is for coaches of high school 800m runners, yet I’d use the same 800m workout for advanced middle school runners, as well as adult runners. 

We want to do three things in an 800m pre-race day workout. 

1. Get neuromuscularly ready to race 800m the next day. 
2. Get mentally ready to race 800m the next day. 
3. Avoid having any carry-over fatigue from this day to the race. 

You won’t have to...

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How to Warm-up Between Races

One of the biggest questions coaches and athletes have during the track season is what to do to properly warm-up when the athlete is running two races (aka "doubling").

Great question! Here's my concise warm-up for running track races on the track.

Quick Mobility Routine

After they finish the first race of the day, the athlete should take 10-15 minutes until they feel mostly back to normal. They can choose to jog for 2-3 minutes, though...

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